Current Lead Times - January 2021
Hello Everyone!
As we kick into the New Year, I wanted to give an update on the current production status and lead times.
Since the launch of the web store on Black Friday, Foxx Mount products have been extremely popular! Nearly 600 orders have been placed since then, which is around 6x more per month than the older sales by email method. I am so incredibly thankful for the support you've all shown! However, with great popularity, also comes an increased turnaround time. Currently we are estimating a 5 week turnaround time from the date of payment, to the date of shipment. It is possible this may increase, but we are making our best efforts to bring this down to a more reasonable timeframe.
As another delaying factor, the usual holiday shipping slowdowns hit especially hard this year, due to a mix of many more people staying home and ordering online; and shipping carriers being understaffed, and operating a slower rates due to COVID related challenges. In addition to delaying packages arriving at your doorstep, these same slowdowns have been hampering our efforts to re-stock on materials. Materials that usually would take days to resupply have been stuck in shipment for multiple weeks. To combat this, I have placed massive orders for materials with multiple vendors such that when everything does finally arrive, we should be set for a little while. Material aside though, it just takes a fair amount of time to build and ship that many orders, and that is another large driving factor for the 5 week estimate.
Foxx Mounts isn't a large business with shelves stocked full of pre-boxed items ready to ship. Each mount is configured to order from sub-assemblies that we build up in batches. Foxx Mount is a passion project for me; something I do after 10+ hours at my engineering job. I am very fortunate to have a highly skilled assistant working for me as well, but between the two of us, there are only so many orders we can crank out per night. We are working diligently and tirelessly to get everyone's mounts in their hands though; just be patient with us, and we will deliver :)
Thanks again for your continued support! -Foxx