Are you looking to add a little personalized flair to your mount set? Then you might be interested in custom laser engraving!
The custom engraving takes the place of the standard Foxx Mount logo that comes by default on Desk Mount orders. The cost of custom engraving applies per mount that you want engraved. For example, if you want custom engraving on your stick mount and your throttle mount, the cost is $10 for each mount, for a total of $20.
With custom engraving, we laser engrave the image or text of your choosing into the anodized aluminum plate that sits on top of your desk. Laser engravings appear white against the background, thus if this is being applied to a black mount, it appears as a white image on a black background, and if applied to a silver mount, it will be a white image on a silver background.
Note that when laser engraving, we only have 2 colors to work with: Engraved and Not Engraved. So with that in mind any source image should be a black image on a white background, where the portions in black are what get engraved. This means that the source image should not have shading, color, or shades of grey. If you are able to provide the image in a vector format, such as SVG, that is the most preferred, as all images ultimately get converted to a vector format for engraving. The next best file format would be a lossless one such as BMP, GIF, PNG, PDF, or PSD. Lastly, if all you have is a JPEG, I can work with that, though JPEGs have compression artifacts that can muddle the conversion to a vector format. So the end result is you may lose detail. To compensate for this, send as high resolution of an image as you can. As for the image itself, thick bold lines, or filled areas turn out better than lots of little thin line details, as the thin lines can get a little lost in the noise of the aluminum surface.
After purchasing Custom Laser Engraving service, please reply to the order confirmation email with which image you'd like to engrave, and if you have a preference for which mount it is applied to. If you did want to swap which mount has the custom engraving after the fact, then its a simple matter of removing the two screws that secure the top plate to the mount beam, and transferring it to the other mount. So don't worry, you're not locked in to your selection.
Are you an existing customer who wants their sweet custom logo featured in the example photos? Shoot me an email and we'll get it added!